Accurate Source

Over 25 Years Of Experience And Expertise In California

Serving corporations, large businesses, and law firms in researching & retrieving criminal and civil records.

AccurateSource.Com Inc. is a premier wholesale public records retrieval & research firm who has served corporations and professional businesses for over 25 years in providing sensitive background data. With a vast network of highly experienced professionals, located in all 58 counties of California, our promise is to efficiently and rapidly serve our clients with the highest level of quality, service, integrity, and price. Our experience, expertise, and “hands-on” process has earned us the reputation as a distinguished leader within the industry in California.

We have been setting the standards for the industry in the state of California, with our custom-built XML interface technology that allows companies and law firms order court records wholesale, with no limit in a single order. With over 30 million court records research and retrieved since our start, we know a thing or two about the business. Since our incorporation in 2001, our priority has been building partnerships with our clients based on quality and trust. Here at Accurate Source we like to say, look for a company, find a partner you can trust.

We bring you current, 'Accurate' information fast and easy

We are focused on customizing solutions and products to meet your specific needs. AccurateSource.Com has advanced technology and superior information management systems which bring you current, ‘Accurate’ information fast and easy. Our experience and expertise has earned us the reputation as the premier leader within the industry.


Founded In California


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At, we treat you like a partner, not a client.

Our experience, expertise, and manual approach has made us the #1 leader for California court record research and retrieval.

What can we help you with today?