Accurate Source

Our Services Are Hands-on Oriented for Your Business

Our services include criminal and civil record searches retrieved directly from the courthouses in all 58 counties of California.

Accurate Critical Data

Information straight from the courthouses in all 58 counties.

Satisfaction & Service Oriented

We believe in serving our partners with the utmost quality and expedience.

Comprehensive Analysis

Our hands-on oriented approach has made us a premier leader in the industry.


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Courthouse Research

File searching


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Quality Assurance

Comprehensive Analysis

We bring you current, 'Accurate' information fast and easy

Civil File Retrieval

Civil files pertain to civil registry records, civil family matters, and all non-criminal offenses. For businesses and corporations, civil records can provide a holistic profile for prospective employee’s and reveal previous behavior that a criminal file may not indicate. We know that hiring authentic employees is crucial for any business’ growth and reputation, which is why we bring access to critical background data straight from the courthouses to you.

Criminal File Retrieval

Civil files pertain to civil registry records, civil family matters, and all non-criminal offenses. For businesses and corporations, civil records can provide a holistic profile for prospective employee’s and reveal previous behavior that a criminal file may not indicate. We know that hiring authentic employees is crucial for any business’ growth and reputation, which is why we bring access to critical background data straight from the courthouses to you.

By investing in our hands-on approach, you’re investing in your business for years to come.

All files are manually searched using our hands-on approach, no databases are used to access this information for you.

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